Intelligent Pairs: Healing

I don’t know about you, but my skin, bottoms of my feet and even my nails are way more dry and sometimes they hurt because of the dryness. These two products, Arbonne Rejuvenating Creme + FC5 Skin Conditioning oil make all the difference. Intelligent Pairs healing



Apply 1 – 2 drops of the skin conditioning oil to a small dollop of the Rejuvenating Creme and apply to dry area. Simple!


Intelligent Pairs: lips

intelligent pairs lips

Intelligence Lip treatment features the Arbonne proprietary ingredient Phytinol which helps soften appearance of fine lines and helps keep in lip moisture. Put on before you apply your favorite shade of Smoothed Over Lipstick as a primer. Together, this pair will give you fuller hydrated lips! #holiday #stockingstuffer #lipstick #volume #giftforher #moisture #lips #giftidea

First impressions

This may be a bit vain but it’s something I’ve noticed in the last few months and I’m just now putting all the ‘calculations’ together: you get more respect when you look good.

I’ve noticed when I’m at events – and even in my own home! – people tend to take me more seriously and give me the respect of listening when I’m not a disheveled hot mess. You might be saying. “well, no duh.” but as I’m just newly 30 I’m still learning these things. I would love to go out of the house without makeup and my hair thrown up in a ponytail with my workout clothes on, and truthfully, sometimes I do. Also, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt that they don’t really care what I look like – but alas, this isn’t usually the case.

I do have a few great mommy friends that don’t care if I look like a slobby Bob, mainly because they also were rushing around getting their little knuckleheads together to get out the door and the last thing on their mind was a full face of makeup or matching socks so they inevitably end up looking just as un put-together as I do. (PHEW!)

The thing that surprises me the most is my family, though. you would think after all this time seeing me look my worst and seeing me look my hottest it wouldn’t faze them but it really does. Luckily for me, I don’t need to impress things on my mom or my hubs, and my kids really don’t care what I look like most of the time. (yet)

There really is something about first impressions though. Don’t you find yourself looking at someone who’s put together thinking ‘wow… I ought to listen to this fella/gal.’? I certainly do. And it’s nice to know people are actually taking you seriously and listening to you when you’re helping them be healthier/happier in life.

NOTE TO SELF: put yourself together. it’s worth the time and effort.

epic fail, man.

there are days that i fail. miserably. (shhh… don’t tell my husband I said that out loud). i fail at being a mom, a wife, a daughter, an arbonne consultant, a business owner, a friend. i usually fail at at least one of these things every single day. on rare occasion it’s all of them. on the same day. uggghh…

truth is i’ve become okay with this. i thank my lucky stars i have what and whom i have in my life. whether it’s to bring me closer to God, or to teach me a lesson. failing is super okie dokie with me. now, don’t get me wrong. it still sucks to fail.

we have some truly amazing leaders -not some, a whole truckload of them!- in Arbonne. and many of them mention ‘failing forward’. this concept of failing forward refers to: fail, so that you can become better. fail, so that you can grow and change. it’s like falling forward, but then you catch yourself right before you hit the ground. hopefully.

I'm not where I need to bei like that my kids are watching me fail and pick myself back up. sometimes it takes longer to get back up than other times, but the point is i do. and i do it quicker and quicker.. and they see this. they’re watching. they’re paying more attention than i will ever know. but i want to do my very best and work hard enough for them to see it. and if i fail, it’s okay to let them see it. i want them to know that sometimes things just don’t always pan out exactly the way we think they will. God has a mightier plan than we do. it’s more beautiful, more crazy and probably a lot harder to achieve or finish than we anticipate. but isn’t it worth it?

i think so.

Mothers day

Every year mothers day is totally different from the last- although I’ve been spending it with my paternal grandmother and my father’s family the last few years.

My aunt and uncle flew in from cali and my great aunt paid a visit with my second cousins. My sister and nephew also joined us which I truly enjoyed as we don’t see them nearly as often as I’d like.

It was a rainy and stormy day with a few bouts of sun but we appreciated all of it. (except the bugs. I never appreciate them.) mainly the time we were able to spend together and I loved being with my knuckleheads (aka my children or nuggets) and seeing them flourish and answer questions about school and sports and life.

My aunt and uncle live right on Cayuga lake and they have a beautiful view. We could see and hear the rain coming at us like wild horses across the lake. It was one of those moments you relish in and quietly appreciate. There was a beautiful hush over all of us as we listened to the impending storm.

It came and went. The storm passed as storms do and it was onto the next thing. I’m so grateful for the love of my family and the laughter we share. What a joyful blessing.

Makeup| Arbonne CC cream fair and light mixed. Eyeliner. Mascara. Blush- ballet.
Jewelry| earrings- Swirling Sterling. Necklace- handcrafted by Heather

Hair treatment for Sebum build-up

Nobody loves a good shampooing from the hairdresser as much as I do. It’s seriously my favorite part of getting my hair cut.

In between cuts, though, I get this weird build up on my crown. Supposedly its called SEBUM; which I am not a fan of. I used to have scrub so dang hard to get that crap off my head and it sometimes still wouldn’t come out. But I finally discovered, after trial and error, what of my Arbonne hair products help with this!

sebum treatment products1. Intelligence Self Adjusting Shampoo with Tea Tree Oil. One pump is sufficient for my entire head and I REALLY work this stuff in – especially on my crown where the build-up of Sebum is.

2. FC5 Nourishing Daily Shampoo (yes, I shampoo twice!). This shampoo doesn’t lather, so don’t let it fool you. You only need a dime sized amount. If you get too much your hair will be very greasy! (hence the trial and ERROR part 😉 ).

3. FC5 Daily Conditioner. Same thing, you don’t need a whole lot. A ‘lil dab’ll do ya. I avoid my crown with all conditioners. It doesn’t need it usually. Leave this on for a couple mins if you’d like.

4. Intelligence Scalp Revitalizer. This stuff has been my savings grace for my hair. I absolutely love it! It has a little bit of a tingling and it feels so cool! I put this directly onto my scalp on my part line and on my crown where the build-up is. And then I really work it in and scrub, scrub, scrub! Leave it on for 5 – 7 mins. Rinse.

I do this regimen about once a week or once every two weeks. In between I just use the FC5 shampoo once every 3 or 4 days and the conditioner about once a week, if that. It’s nice because the FC5 shampoo makes my hair so soft and still leave it feeling clean. I don’t really need a lot of conditioner (so it lasts for a looooong time!).

Hope this helps if you have the same issue I do! I understand it can be frustrating… not to mention kinda gross… 😛


Right place, right time

There was a time, not too long ago, when I poo-pooed network marketing. Yep. Me. Miss “I’m so madly in love with what I do and with Arbonne”, because I truly am.

I wasn’t always. Wanna know why?… it was because I was completely uninformed and uneducated about this industry. First of all, I had no idea there was so many NWM (NetWork Marketing) or direct sales companies. I knew of about 3 or 4. And I didn’t like any of their products.

After doing extensive research and asking a LOT of questions to many different companies, I finally landed on Arbonne. I looked at many different things when comparing companies; how much to get started? Were the products in demand – do people need them and do they WANT them? How old is the company? How well known is it? (I wanted a company that was practically breaking ground, yet mature). Do I like/use the products? And are the products consumable?

Truth is, Arbonne met all of these criteria beautifully. 

NWM is and is not1. It meets marketplace demands. The health and wellness industry is also EXPLODING!!! So, not only are you getting into the NWM industry, you’re also joining forces of an entirely different industry. In this case, 1 + 1 = AMAZEBALLS.

2. During the great depression there were 3 industries that didn’t lose out – in fact, you could probably find a statistic that these actually flourished during that time – they were; tobacco, alcohol and beauty products. Can you picture it? Folks standing in line for jobs for hours, but gosh darn it all, they were going to be smokin’, drinkin’ and lookin’ fabulous doing it! HA!

3. The company is overflowing with integrity. I NEVER have to wonder if they’re telling the truth about the products. They’re so transparent with the ingredients; where they got them, and why they put each one in the product. I’m excited to say that each product listing on the website includes the ingredient list. We have absolutely nothing to hide.

4. Arbonne attracts all different types of people. Men and women. What we all have in common is a desire to dream big, go for those dreams and help others do the same thing. We all have this freedom ‘chip’ installed in our hearts. It helps us make choices that benefits the whole, not just us. It pushes us to be our BEST selves every single day. Arbonne brings out the best in folks and helps them grow – and most of the time you don’t even know it’s happening.

Arbonne came to us at one of our very lowest points in life. My husband, children and myself are all different and better because that’s what it brought out in us. We prayed for a long time for this amazing gift and it was answered over a cup of coffee at my kitchen table.

Want to know more? Go HERE… or fill out the form below.