Group effort

I am sitting here at my computer, as my little guy plays with his lego’s, and thinking about this trip my husband and I are about to take.

We’re going to Las Vegas, NV, for 4 days, and the kiddo’s are staying with my mother, and my dad & step-mom while we’re gone. My mom will get my daughter up to get ready for school, make her lunch and breakfast, and get her on and off the bus for 3 days. Then she’ll drive the kiddo’s to my dad and step moms so the kids can stay with them. 

My aunt and uncle are coming in from California and we will be getting in when they are a couple of days away from flying back out. We will only get to see them because my family is moving around dinner so that we can visit with them, too. We’ll be exhausted and jet lagged, but it’ll be worth it. I only get to see them every so often. Once a year at most. But it’ll all work out for the best. 

So, reflecting on this, all that my family is willing to do for me so that I can go to Las Vegas to fill my Arbonne “cup”, do some training by the pool, love on my Arbonne family, and ‘get away’ for a minute, I’m ever grateful. I realize that not everyone has family so willing to help in this way. I realize that without the efforts, love and support of my family I wouldn’t be where I am today. 

It truly does take a group effort to make this Arbonne thing work, and I think that’s really pretty wonderful. It’s brought me closer to some, and let me know who’s REALLY a supportive friend or family member. It’s opened my eyes, my heart and my mind. There are bigger possibilities now. And one day, I’ll get to SHOW a thank you to these loving people BECAUSE of my Arbonne business. It’ll all circle back around. I have faith in that. 

Until then, I will continue to rely on the GIANT hearts of my supportive family members and keep working this Arbonne thing, because I certainly cannot do it without them. ❤