New Year New You…

Go ahead, make your New years resolutions… it’s okay, go ahead… I’ll wait….

Okay, now start an EVOLUTION! Did you see what I did there? 😉  yep…

Seriously, though, you can be a new you in the new year. It’s super cliche to start a detox but WHO CARES?!! As long as it works, you’re healthy and happy – be the cliche and be proud, girl. 😉 (even if you’re a guy reading this, me calling you ‘girl’ is a term of endearment. Watch an episode of Chelsea Lately for reference.)

Arbonne has a plethora of nutrition products that can help you GET HEALTHY! Now, getting healthy doesn’t have to be such a darn chore. You can do it easily and without guilt or pain. And after the 28 day clean eating challenge you’ll just feel good and you won’t even realize that you did anything different. It’s a mindset… it really is.

Look, do you want to keep feeling sluggish all day or do you want some energy? Do you want to clear your skin up or keep having acne? Do you want to be able to fit into THOSE jeans (yes, those ones… we both know the ones I’m talking about. The ones in the back of your closet that you keep WISHING you’d fit into… well, wishing won’t make them fit… getting healthy will!) PS… When you get healthy, you’ll lose weight.. it’s not the other way around.

i can do anything for 28 daysI’m not here to make you feel guilty or crappy about those jeans or about your weight. I’m here to simply help you. Help me help you! Arbonne did ALL the ground work. They’ve given us all the tools we need to use to really have true health and feel FLIPPIN’ AMAZING!!! All we have to do is follow it. For 28 days. That’s it. You can do anything for 28 days. See → → → → → →

Our next Clean Eating Challenge (or detox, if you will) starts January 5th. There’s really very little you need to do to prepare. You need to buy groceries anyway, right? So I’ll teach you what to buy instead of what you’re already buying – a full shopping list, you’ll get recipes and tips and tricks and the whole shabang.

What in what is this all about anyway? Listen to this informational call. Feel free to take notes. 🙂 (See dial in number below.) UPDATE: Or watch this video! 

new year new  you

jennie before after_2To the right is a picture of a gal I know. Her name is Jennie. Arbonne has transformed her wholey. She’s a different person inside and out. It’s given her financial freedom, it gave her her health back, and gave her pure joy. Talk about a pure transformation!!! Sooo exciting!!

So STOP THINKING about doing this and just jump in already! Give yourself the gift of health in 2015 and transform yourself. It really is simple. And oh so worth it.


If you’d like to find out more or if you’d like to be contacted via email then fill out the form below.