Mothers day

Every year mothers day is totally different from the last- although I’ve been spending it with my paternal grandmother and my father’s family the last few years.

My aunt and uncle flew in from cali and my great aunt paid a visit with my second cousins. My sister and nephew also joined us which I truly enjoyed as we don’t see them nearly as often as I’d like.

It was a rainy and stormy day with a few bouts of sun but we appreciated all of it. (except the bugs. I never appreciate them.) mainly the time we were able to spend together and I loved being with my knuckleheads (aka my children or nuggets) and seeing them flourish and answer questions about school and sports and life.

My aunt and uncle live right on Cayuga lake and they have a beautiful view. We could see and hear the rain coming at us like wild horses across the lake. It was one of those moments you relish in and quietly appreciate. There was a beautiful hush over all of us as we listened to the impending storm.

It came and went. The storm passed as storms do and it was onto the next thing. I’m so grateful for the love of my family and the laughter we share. What a joyful blessing.

Makeup| Arbonne CC cream fair and light mixed. Eyeliner. Mascara. Blush- ballet.
Jewelry| earrings- Swirling Sterling. Necklace- handcrafted by Heather

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