Intelligent Pairs: lips

intelligent pairs lips

Intelligence Lip treatment features the Arbonne proprietary ingredient Phytinol which helps soften appearance of fine lines and helps keep in lip moisture. Put on before you apply your favorite shade of Smoothed Over Lipstick as a primer. Together, this pair will give you fuller hydrated lips! #holiday #stockingstuffer #lipstick #volume #giftforher #moisture #lips #giftidea

First impressions

This may be a bit vain but it’s something I’ve noticed in the last few months and I’m just now putting all the ‘calculations’ together: you get more respect when you look good.

I’ve noticed when I’m at events – and even in my own home! – people tend to take me more seriously and give me the respect of listening when I’m not a disheveled hot mess. You might be saying. “well, no duh.” but as I’m just newly 30 I’m still learning these things. I would love to go out of the house without makeup and my hair thrown up in a ponytail with my workout clothes on, and truthfully, sometimes I do. Also, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt that they don’t really care what I look like – but alas, this isn’t usually the case.

I do have a few great mommy friends that don’t care if I look like a slobby Bob, mainly because they also were rushing around getting their little knuckleheads together to get out the door and the last thing on their mind was a full face of makeup or matching socks so they inevitably end up looking just as un put-together as I do. (PHEW!)

The thing that surprises me the most is my family, though. you would think after all this time seeing me look my worst and seeing me look my hottest it wouldn’t faze them but it really does. Luckily for me, I don’t need to impress things on my mom or my hubs, and my kids really don’t care what I look like most of the time. (yet)

There really is something about first impressions though. Don’t you find yourself looking at someone who’s put together thinking ‘wow… I ought to listen to this fella/gal.’? I certainly do. And it’s nice to know people are actually taking you seriously and listening to you when you’re helping them be healthier/happier in life.

NOTE TO SELF: put yourself together. it’s worth the time and effort.