A bad Arbonne day…

I’m not going to lie- that’s not really my thing, lying- I have bad Arbonne days and I question why I’m doing this.

What makes a ‘bad’ Arbonne day, you may ask? Well, a number of things: someone cancelling their party when you were actually EXCITED about the party, showing up for the party and the hostess says “Nobody is coming”, the hostess calling two hours before her party to cancel, FINALLY having the courage to call to ask people to host for you and either nobody answers or they say no after no after no, your significant other commenting on how you said you’d be an RVP by now but you’re not even close, your parents telling you to “get a real job”, someone on your team who you just KNEW would be an NVP quits (they stop doing parties and stop selling and even stop buying products), and something very common that makes a bad Arbonne day is when you haven’t had ANY activity in two weeks- you haven’t seen anyone, or talked to anyone on your team– you feel alone in your Arbonne bubble. Those are the days that make me cry.

If you’re reading this and thinking “why the hell is she doing this if it’s so bad?!” (Trust me, I hear you, and I know! Right?) Well, I will tell you why: because of my why– my children and my grandchildren. Also, because I LOVE all of it. Even the bad days. I will take a bad Arbonne day over a GREAT corporate/retail day 100% of the time! Oh, yeah, and God is moving me to do it- it’s the ONLY job I’ve ever had that I feel RIGHT doing. Even on days I don’t really FEEL like doing a party, I feel RIGHT about it. So, I know I’m on right track, here.

In the two years I’ve been with this outstanding company I’ve been trained, and I’ve been encouraged and I’ve been pushed to be BETTER. I never knew what hard work was until I started my own jewelry business, Handcrafted by Heather, and even then I struggled. It’s easy to let someone pick up slack for me. It’s one of those habits I developed at a very early age and I’m still working on it at the ripe ‘ol age of 29.

You see, the BAD DAYS are what makes me a better Arbonne consultant… not just that, even, but also a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, friend, aunt and a better Christian. I’ve never been so close to God as I am now. It’s the no’s and the crying and the ‘get a real job’s that keep pushing me. I’ve never wanted to be good at anything as much as I want to be good at Arbonne and being a mother. And here’s the catch: I’ll never be perfect at either. I’m totally okay with it.

I am ALWAYS going to do this, just like I’m ALWAYS going to be a mother and I’m ALWAYS going to be a child of God. If you’re a parent you know that’s not easy! EVER! lol… And knowing that God is our only true judge, watching, waiting, teaching, loving and laughing at our stupid mistakes isn’t a piece of cake, but it’s all worth it in the end, right? When our children smile and say ‘I love you, mommy’, when we see a miracle happen right in front of us, and when a new consultant on your team cries and hugs you and says thank you for giving me Arbonne. Makes the bad days just sort of dissipate.