Surviving Winter (skin)…

Anyone else get dry, scaly, flaking and just plain gross skin during the dry winter months?

Or, how about the awesome cracking heels of your feet, or the ends of your fingers.


I bet you’re thinking, why are you asking, Heather? Do you have a solution? Why, indeed I do, dear reader! Lucky you.

surviving winter handsFor HANDS use the Awaken Sea Salt Scrub & FC5 Ultra Hydrating Hand Creme (the first Arbonne product I ever used and therefore fell in love with.)

What to do:

1. Wet your hands and exfoliate with Sea Salt Scrub for a few minutes. You don’t have to scrub hard. The essential oils will condition the skin while you do this.

2. Wash the salt off with warm water while continuing to gently scrub.

3. Dry your hands off with a soft towel and apply Hand Creme.

Ahhhh….. ☺

For FEET, check out my blog post about how to do a detox foot soak. You will likely only have to do this once or twice all winter. Or once a week. Or, ya know, every day – depends on how badly your feet are cracking.

surviving winter faceFor FACE use FC5 Hydration Mask + RE9 Extra Moisture Day Creme with SPF 20 in the morning + FC5 Moisturizing Night Creme before bed (after your cleanser of course). If you’re like me and have ultra dry skin this combo seems to keep my skin from even knowing it’s dry than (as my Grandpa would say) horse manure. Apparently that’s really dry. I can’t attest to that, but thanks for the reference Grandpa!

What to do:

1. Use your cleanser as usual. Apply the hydration mask as needed. I use it twice a week when it’s VERY dry out, otherwise once a week. Leave it on for 10 -15 minutes then wash it off. Set an alarm or timer because you may forget you have it on. (don’t ask! 😉 )

2. Apply the extra moisture day creme EVERYDAY. No, really. Every. Day.

3. Apply the Night creme before bed. Every. Night.