epic fail, man.

there are days that i fail. miserably. (shhh… don’t tell my husband I said that out loud). i fail at being a mom, a wife, a daughter, an arbonne consultant, a business owner, a friend. i usually fail at at least one of these things every single day. on rare occasion it’s all of them. on the same day. uggghh…

truth is i’ve become okay with this. i thank my lucky stars i have what and whom i have in my life. whether it’s to bring me closer to God, or to teach me a lesson. failing is super okie dokie with me. now, don’t get me wrong. it still sucks to fail.

we have some truly amazing leaders -not some, a whole truckload of them!- in Arbonne. and many of them mention ‘failing forward’. this concept of failing forward refers to: fail, so that you can become better. fail, so that you can grow and change. it’s like falling forward, but then you catch yourself right before you hit the ground. hopefully.

I'm not where I need to bei like that my kids are watching me fail and pick myself back up. sometimes it takes longer to get back up than other times, but the point is i do. and i do it quicker and quicker.. and they see this. they’re watching. they’re paying more attention than i will ever know. but i want to do my very best and work hard enough for them to see it. and if i fail, it’s okay to let them see it. i want them to know that sometimes things just don’t always pan out exactly the way we think they will. God has a mightier plan than we do. it’s more beautiful, more crazy and probably a lot harder to achieve or finish than we anticipate. but isn’t it worth it?

i think so.