Cleaning your face…

I don’t recommend using shampoo to clean your face, I mean, unless you HAVE to. Like, if there’s a zombie apocalypse and their drink of choice is facial cleanser… I guess then you’d have to use shampoo.

I never HAD to use shampoo. I just didn’t know I was supposed to be using a separate cleanser for my face. I think I figured why waste the money? The shampoo does a pretty darn good job washing me hair (or so I thought), it’ll be fine to wash my face when it runs down from my head in the shower. Right?

It’s important to recognize that properly cleansing the skin prepares your skin to absorb products you may put on after, like a serum or moisturizer. Clearing out your pores allows the moisturizer to penetrate into your skin for maximum effectiveness. What’s the point of applying moisturizers and treatments if your skin isn’t able to absorb them fully? (1) We’ll talk about moisturizers in another post. 😉

Arbonne has lots of different cleansers to choose from for all types of skin, so you’re in luck and you’re definitely in the right place. ☺

cleansers with letters


A. Calm Gentle Daily Cleanser for ULTRA SENSITIVE SKIN: This extra-gentle, sulfate-free cleanser, formulated with only the most essential ingredients, gently washes away makeup, excess oil and dirt without irritating or over-drying the skin. Leaves skin feeling clean and refreshed, and can be used day or night. ( 5 fl. oz. ) – See more HERE.

B. FC5 Hydrating Cleanser + Freshener for DRY to NORMAL SKIN: For normal/dry skin. Moisture-enriched facial cleanser freshens skin to help keep it looking more youthful and revitalized. ( 4 fl. oz. ) – See more HERE.

 C. FC5 Purifying Cleanser + Toner for OILY/COMBINATION SKIN: For oily/combination skin. Cleanse and tone skin with this cooling, refreshing formula that visibly reduces oiliness and helps keep skin looking young, fresh and clean. With fresh strawberry cell extracts and Matte Fresh™ Complex. ( 4 fl. oz ) – See more HERE.

D. RE9 Advanced for Men Exfoliating Wash for MENS AGING SKIN: Invigorating wash exfoliates and helps prevent ingrown hairs, prepping skin for a clean, close shave. ( 4 fl.oz. ) See more HERE.

E. RE9 Advanced Smoothing Facial Cleanser for AGING SKIN: Provides effective smoothing and renewing of the skin surface for soft, supple skin. ( 3 fl.oz. ) – See more HERE.

CA washThere’s also cleanser for those with ACNE PRONE SKIN called Clear Advantage Clarifying Wash Acne Medication. Great for pre-teens and teens. Although, I have to tell you, before you go buying a bunch of acne products, look at your diet (or your teens diet). If they’re eating a lot of junk or “food-like” products, then try switching their diet some more natural foods – “God foods”. 80% of what is happening on our skin is a result of what we’re eating, usually. So that’s the best place to start!

So, don’t be like the old Heather by using shampoo to wash your face. Use cleanser. Enjoy. ☺

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Surviving Winter (skin)…

Anyone else get dry, scaly, flaking and just plain gross skin during the dry winter months?

Or, how about the awesome cracking heels of your feet, or the ends of your fingers.


I bet you’re thinking, why are you asking, Heather? Do you have a solution? Why, indeed I do, dear reader! Lucky you.

surviving winter handsFor HANDS use the Awaken Sea Salt Scrub & FC5 Ultra Hydrating Hand Creme (the first Arbonne product I ever used and therefore fell in love with.)

What to do:

1. Wet your hands and exfoliate with Sea Salt Scrub for a few minutes. You don’t have to scrub hard. The essential oils will condition the skin while you do this.

2. Wash the salt off with warm water while continuing to gently scrub.

3. Dry your hands off with a soft towel and apply Hand Creme.

Ahhhh….. ☺

For FEET, check out my blog post about how to do a detox foot soak. You will likely only have to do this once or twice all winter. Or once a week. Or, ya know, every day – depends on how badly your feet are cracking.

surviving winter faceFor FACE use FC5 Hydration Mask + RE9 Extra Moisture Day Creme with SPF 20 in the morning + FC5 Moisturizing Night Creme before bed (after your cleanser of course). If you’re like me and have ultra dry skin this combo seems to keep my skin from even knowing it’s dry than (as my Grandpa would say) horse manure. Apparently that’s really dry. I can’t attest to that, but thanks for the reference Grandpa!

What to do:

1. Use your cleanser as usual. Apply the hydration mask as needed. I use it twice a week when it’s VERY dry out, otherwise once a week. Leave it on for 10 -15 minutes then wash it off. Set an alarm or timer because you may forget you have it on. (don’t ask! 😉 )

2. Apply the extra moisture day creme EVERYDAY. No, really. Every. Day.

3. Apply the Night creme before bed. Every. Night.


New Year New You…

Go ahead, make your New years resolutions… it’s okay, go ahead… I’ll wait….

Okay, now start an EVOLUTION! Did you see what I did there? 😉  yep…

Seriously, though, you can be a new you in the new year. It’s super cliche to start a detox but WHO CARES?!! As long as it works, you’re healthy and happy – be the cliche and be proud, girl. 😉 (even if you’re a guy reading this, me calling you ‘girl’ is a term of endearment. Watch an episode of Chelsea Lately for reference.)

Arbonne has a plethora of nutrition products that can help you GET HEALTHY! Now, getting healthy doesn’t have to be such a darn chore. You can do it easily and without guilt or pain. And after the 28 day clean eating challenge you’ll just feel good and you won’t even realize that you did anything different. It’s a mindset… it really is.

Look, do you want to keep feeling sluggish all day or do you want some energy? Do you want to clear your skin up or keep having acne? Do you want to be able to fit into THOSE jeans (yes, those ones… we both know the ones I’m talking about. The ones in the back of your closet that you keep WISHING you’d fit into… well, wishing won’t make them fit… getting healthy will!) PS… When you get healthy, you’ll lose weight.. it’s not the other way around.

i can do anything for 28 daysI’m not here to make you feel guilty or crappy about those jeans or about your weight. I’m here to simply help you. Help me help you! Arbonne did ALL the ground work. They’ve given us all the tools we need to use to really have true health and feel FLIPPIN’ AMAZING!!! All we have to do is follow it. For 28 days. That’s it. You can do anything for 28 days. See → → → → → →

Our next Clean Eating Challenge (or detox, if you will) starts January 5th. There’s really very little you need to do to prepare. You need to buy groceries anyway, right? So I’ll teach you what to buy instead of what you’re already buying – a full shopping list, you’ll get recipes and tips and tricks and the whole shabang.

What in what is this all about anyway? Listen to this informational call. Feel free to take notes. 🙂 (See dial in number below.) UPDATE: Or watch this video! 

new year new  you

jennie before after_2To the right is a picture of a gal I know. Her name is Jennie. Arbonne has transformed her wholey. She’s a different person inside and out. It’s given her financial freedom, it gave her her health back, and gave her pure joy. Talk about a pure transformation!!! Sooo exciting!!

So STOP THINKING about doing this and just jump in already! Give yourself the gift of health in 2015 and transform yourself. It really is simple. And oh so worth it.


If you’d like to find out more or if you’d like to be contacted via email then fill out the form below.