Thyroid, and sea kelp

What do they have in common? Well, nothing, really. But sea kelp is a promoter of glandular health. And why in the world would anyone care about this? Well, because I know many people with thyroid and hormonal issues- myself, included.

Actually, my ‘issue’ is that I was born WITHOUT a thyroid. Yes, it’s true. 75% of people I say this to don’t actually believe me, but it’s the truth. They call it ‘Congential (born with the condition) Hypo (not enough) Thyroidism, and only 1 n 6-7000 people have this. So I’m, like, a rare breed! HA!

If you have thyroid issues you understand how it feels and how FRUSTRATING it can be to try to talk to people- even doctors!- about how you feel! Here are some symptoms us folks deal with:

– extreme exhaustion even after sleeping for 14 hours!

– low or non-existent sex drive (guys, this doesn’t ALWAYS apply to your ladies, so don’t go rushing her to the Dr. for a blood test!)

– brittle nails and coarse hair

– mood swings: one minute you’re happy and the next minute you’re taking something WAY too personally, you’re super sad, or you’re VERY mad. One of my Dr’s called it ‘situational depression’. I’ve grown to realize it’s actually called ‘Time for a new doseage, doc’ syndrome.

– and some other symptoms you’re welcome to google!

The point in this blog post is to let you know how AMAZING I feel. And it really may not be amazing. It may just be normal.

My whole childhood and into my young adulthood I was told that I was lazy (I am, not going to lie, but it used to be at whole other level!) and I need to ‘get off my butt’. I slept. Like, a lot! And the idea of getting out and running around to do sports or anything like that made me cringe. It would literally make me so tired that I could do nothing but sit.

So, enter Arbonne. I tried the skin care- it was great, I loved it, obviously. But then my friend and sponsor, Margie, gave me some of the SeaSource Detox Spa products to try out (I was a brand new consultant and she was just trying to help me get to know the products better that I’d be selling to people). I did a foot soak, and was impressed with how soft my feet were! But I was flabbergasted the next day when I WOKE UP with energy, and happiness and feeling like I could take on the world! I had NEVER in my life felt that great!

protein shakesTHEN I tried the Arbonne Essentials protein shake. Holy cow!! I felt even BETTER!!Now, I don’t go one day without the shake (my lunch). I love to throw strawberries, maybe a banana, some baby spinach, and almond milk in a blender with the shake- DELISH!

I did some research (actually, I just read the script we use for Foot soak parties) and discovered that sea kelp is super good for folks with my condition! It was an Aha moment, and frankly it makes me cry tears of joy when I think of this. (I’m tearing up writing this.)

I used to think that getting through the remainder of my life was going to be a physical and exhausting challenge. I thought that I’d simply be TIRED the rest of my life, never feeling the desire to do ANYTHING simply because I didn’t have the strength, the go-get-it attitude, or the mental strength to do what I wanted to do.

These products SAVED MY LIFE! The fact that I get to SHARE them with people is a blessing. I think of this often- how I kept praying to God for something that’ll allow me to be happy and feel full of love and light. I prayed to Him to let me FEEL ‘normal’ since I was a child. I prayed to Him to let me have the desire and energy to be better and HELP OTHERS. Arbonne has been the answer to ALL of these prayers. With one swoop, one simple holiday craft show, God brought Arbonne into my life and answered these prayers.

I encourage anyone and everyone who has hormonal issues, thyroid or pituitary gland problems to look at Arbonne closer. It could be the blessing you’ve been waiting for. ❤

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How to: Facials at home

Some of us (ME!) love to go to the spa and get a nice relaxing facial. This comes with a HUGE price tag, usually! So, I encourage folks to do your own facial right at home, whenever you want at MUCH less than half the cost!

What products you’ll need for this:

-RE9 Advanced Set, #818

-RE9 Advanced Cellular Renewal Masque, #899

-FC5 Exfoliating New Cell Scrub, #7386

-For Normal/Dry skin: Intense Hydration Mask, #7461. For Oily/Combination Skin: Deep Cleansing Mask, #7460

I recommend you do this facial once a week to once a month, and use the RE9 system daily.


1. Apply RE9 Smoothing Facial cleanser in circular motions on your face. Wash away.

2. Apply a dime sized amount of FC5 Exfoliating New Cell Scrub to your face in circular motions, avoiding the eye area. Do this for about a minute and let dry. While you’re waiting for it to dry, wet a wash cloth and ring it out, stick it in the microwave for 1 min 30 sec. Take it out carefully and once you can stand it, lay it over your face until it begins to cool. Use it to wash away the scrub.

3. Apply a pea sized amount of the RE9 Cellular Renewal Masque, all over avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 5 – 7 mins, then gently wash away.

4. Apply a pea-sized amount of the Deep cleansing OR the Intense Hydration mask all over. Avoid eye area. Leave on for 10 mins then gently wash away.

5. Spray the RE9 Toner onto your skin, or onto a cotton ball then apply all over face and neck.

6. Use one pump of the RE9 Intensive Renewal Serum and apply to entire face, avoiding eye area.

7. Apply RE9 Corrective Eye creme to both eyes. 1 pump is all you need for BOTH eyes.

8. Apply pea sized amount of the RE9 Night Repair Creme to face and neck.

9. Drink a nice cup of Arbonne’s Herbal Detox Tea and get a restful nights sleep! In the morning apply the RE9 Day Creme – just one pump for your entire face!